02: Conditional Probability

Exercises from Chapter 2 of Probabilistic Robotics

This notebook addresses the conditional probability exercises in the chapter two exercises (page 36) of Probabilistic Robotics by Thrun, Bergard, and Fox.

1. Faulty Range Sensor

Exercise 2-1

  1. A robot uses a range sensor that can measure ranges from 0m and 3m. For simplicity, assume that the actual ranges are distributed uniformly in this interval. Unfortunately, the sensor can be faulty. When the sensor is faulty, it constantly outputs a range below 1m, regardless of the actual range in the sensor's measurement cone. We know that the prior probability for a sensor to be faulty is $p = 0.01$.

Suppose the robot queried it's sensor N times, and every single time the measurement value is below 1m. What is the posterior probability of a sensor fault, for $N = 1, 2, ..., 10$. Formulate the corresponding probabilistic model.


$ P_N = pr(\mathtt{faulty} \mid d^{<1m}_N))$ is the probability that the sensor is faulty given that there have been N instances of a distance less than 1m. $p$ is the probability that the sensor is faulty.

Using Bayes Rule: $$ P_N = \frac{pr(d^{<1m}_N \mid \mathtt{faulty})p}{pr(d^{<1m}_N)}$$

We already know a couple values:

$ pr(d^{<1m}_N \mid \mathtt{faulty}) = 1$

$ p = 0.01 $

One Measurement

One might be tempted to say probability of getting range < 1m is 1/3 (area under uniform probability distribution between 0 and 1), but that assumes the sensor is not faulty. we should use rule of total probability:

$$ pr(d^{<1m}_1) = pr(d^{<1m}_1 \mid \mathtt{not \, faulty}) * pr(\mathtt{not \, faulty}) + pr(d^{<1m}_1 \mid \mathtt{faulty}) * pr(\mathtt{faulty})$$

$$ pr(d^{<1m}_1) = 1/3 * 0.99 + 1.0 * 0.01 = 0.34 $$

So, for $N=1$ $$P_1 = \frac{1.0 \times 0.01}{0.34}$$

In [1]:
P_1 = 0.01 / .34

There is a 2.9% probability that the sensor is faulty if we receive one distance measurement < 1.

Two Measurements

For $N = 2$ we need to calculate the total probability of receiving two measurements less than 1m:

$$ pr(d^{<1m}_2) = pr(d^{<1m}_2 \mid \mathtt{not \, faulty}) * pr(\mathtt{not \, faulty}) + pr(d^{<1m}_2 \mid \mathtt{faulty}) * pr(\mathtt{faulty})$$

Let's assume the robot is moving around and all distance measurements are independent:

$$ pr(d^{<1m}_2 \mid \mathtt{not \, faulty}) = (1/3)^2 $$

$$ pr(d^{<1m}_2) = (1/3)^2 * 0.99 + 1 * 0.01 $$

$$ P_2 = \frac{1.0 \times 0.01}{(1/3)^2 * 0.99 + 1 * 0.01} $$

In [2]:
P_2 = 0.01 / ((1/3)**2 + 0.01)

The probability of a faulty sensor is 8.2% if we receive two measurements.

Other Values of N

Now we can see the pattern:

$$ P_n = \frac{1.0 \times 0.01}{(1/3)^n \times 0.99 + 1 \times 0.01} $$

In [3]:
for n in range(1, 11):
    print("{}: {:.3f}".format(n, 0.01/(0.33**n + 0.01)))
1: 0.029
2: 0.084
3: 0.218
4: 0.457
5: 0.719
6: 0.886
7: 0.959
8: 0.986
9: 0.995
10: 0.998

The probability that the sensor is faulty increases rapidly with an increasing number of measurements.

On the other hand, if the robot and item to which distance is being measured are both stationary, then the subsequent distance measurements are not independent - we would expect to obtain the same distance measurement over and over. In this scenario:

$$ pr(d^{<1m}_n \mid \mathtt{not \, faulty}) = 1/3 $$

The probability is independent of the number of measurements n. the probability that the sensor is faulty will be 2.9% regardless of the number of measurements taken.

Exercise 2-2: Weather

Suppose we live in a place where days are either sunny, cloudy, or rainy. The weather transition function is a Markov chain with the following transition table:

Table 2-1

Today's Weather Tomorrow Sunny Tomorrow Cloudy Tomorrow Rainy
Sunny 0.8 0.2 0
Cloudy 0.4 0.4 0.2
Rainy 0.2 0.6 0.2

2-2.a: Today is Sunny

Suppose Day1 is sunny.

What is the probability of this sequence of days: Day2 = cloudy, Day3 = cloudy, Day4 = rainy

$p = 0.2 \times 0.4 \times 0.4 \times 0.6$

In [4]:
p = 0.2*0.4*0.4*0.6

2-2.b: Random Weather Simulator

Write a simulator that can randomly generate sequences of weather from state transition function.

In [5]:
import random

def weather(day1="sunny", num_days=1000000):
    today = day1
    tomorrow = None
    sunny = 0
    cloudy = 0
    rainy = 0
    total_days = 0
    prob = {"sunny": [0.8, 1.0], "cloudy": [0.4, 0.8], "rainy": [0.2, 0.8]}
    for day in range(num_days):
        rnd = random.uniform(0, 1)
        if rnd <= prob[today][0]:
            tomorrow = "sunny"
            sunny = sunny + 1
        elif rnd <= prob[today][1]:
            tomorrow = "cloudy"
            cloudy = cloudy + 1
            tomorrow = "rainy"
            rainy = rainy + 1
        total_days = total_days + 1
        today = tomorrow
    print("Probability Sunny: {}".format(sunny/total_days))
    print("Probability Cloudy: {}".format(cloudy/total_days))
    print("Probability Rainy: {}".format(rainy/total_days))

2-2.c: Stationary Distribution from Simulation

Use the simulator to determine the stationary distribution of the Markov chain -- the probability that any given day will be sunny, cloudy, or rainy.

In [6]:
Probability Sunny: 0.641754
Probability Cloudy: 0.28673
Probability Rainy: 0.071516
In [7]:
Probability Sunny: 0.643712
Probability Cloudy: 0.285153
Probability Rainy: 0.071135
In [8]:
Probability Sunny: 0.643601
Probability Cloudy: 0.285086
Probability Rainy: 0.071313

2-2.d: Stationary Distribution from Closed Form Calculation

Calculate the stationary probability distribution using a closed form solution.

Using the total probability theorem:

$$\tag{2-1} p(x) = \sum_{y}p(x \mid y)p(y)$$

$p(s) = $ probability sunny

$p(c) = $ probability cloudy

$p(r) = $ probability rainy

$$ p(s) = p(s \mid s)p(s) + p(s \mid c)p(c) + p(s \mid r)p(r) $$ $$ p(c) = p(c \mid s)p(s) + p(c \mid c)p(c) + p(c \mid r)p(r) $$ $$ p(r) = p(r \mid s)p(s) + p(r \mid c)p(c) + p(r \mid r)p(r) $$

And from the definition of probability: $ p(s) + p(c) + p(r) = 1 $

Substituting values from the weather transition function:

$$ p(s) = 0.8p(s) + 0.4p(c) + 0.2p(r) $$ $$ p(c) = 0.2p(s) + 0.4p(c) + 0.6p(r) $$ $$ p(r) = 0p(s) + 0.2p(c) + 0.2p(r) $$

Collecting like terms:

$$ -0.2p(s) + 0.4p(c) + 0.2p(r) = 0 $$ $$ 0.2p(s) - 0.6p(c) + 0.6p(r) = 0 $$ $$ 0p(s) + 0.2p(c) - 0.8p(r) = 0 $$

Probabilities must sum to 1:

$$ p(s) + p(c) + p(r) = 1 $$

Using only two of the total probability equations (the third equation is a linear combination of the first two) and the fact that the probabilities sum to 1, we get a set of 3 equations with three unknowns that are represented by the following matrix:

$$ \begin{bmatrix} -0.2 & 0.4 & 0.2 & 0\\ 0.2 & -0.6 & 0.6 & 0\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1\\ \end{bmatrix} $$

We'll use the Python sympy package to solve for $p(s)$, $p(c)$, and $p(r)$.

In [9]:
import sympy

aug = sympy.Matrix([
    [0, 0.2, -0.8, 0],
    [0.2, -0.6, 0.6, 0],
    [1, 1, 1, 1]

s, c, r = sympy.symbols('s, c, r')
stationary = sympy.linsolve(aug, [s, c, r])
{(0.642857142857143, 0.285714285714286, 0.0714285714285714)}

2-2.e: Entropy

Calculate the entropy of the stationary distribution.

$$ H_p(x) = -\sum_x p(x) \, log_2 \, p(x) $$

$$ H_p(x) = 0.6429 \times log_2(0.6429) + 0.2857 \times log_2(0.2857 + 0.0714 \times log_2(0.0714) $$

In [11]:
from math import log
probs = stationary.args[0]
H = (probs[0]*log(probs[0], 2) + probs[1]*log(probs[1], 2) + probs[2]*log(probs[2], 2)) * -1

2-2.f: Yesterday's Weather

Calculate the probability of yesterday's weather given today's weather.

Bayes rule: $$ p(x \mid y) = \frac{p(y \mid x) \, p(x)}{p(y)} $$

$ p(s_t) = $ probability that today is sunny

$ p(s_y) = $ probability that yesterday was sunny

$ p(c_t) = $ probability that today is cloudy

$ p(c_y) = $ probability that yesterday was cloudy

$ p(r_t) = $ probability that today is rainy

$ p(r_y) = $ probability that yesterday was rainy

Note that $ p(s_t) = p(s_y) = p(s) = $ stationary probability that any particular day is sunny.

Note that $ p(c_t) = p(c_y) = p(c) = $ stationary probability that any particular day is cloudy.

Note that $ p(r_t) = p(r_y) = p(r) = $ stationary probability that any particular day is rainy.

In [12]:
# Stationary probabilities
p_sun = probs[0]
p_cld = probs[1]
p_rny = probs[2]

For today and yesterday being sunny: $$ p(s_y \vert s_t) = \frac{p(s_t \vert s_y) p(s_y)}{p(s_t)} $$ $$ p(s_y) = p(s_t) $$ $$ p(s_y \vert s_t) = p(s_t \vert s_y) = 0.8 $$

Similarly for today and yesterday both being cloudy or rainy $$ p(c_y \vert c_t) = p(c_t \vert c_y) = 0.4 $$ $$ p(r_y \vert r_t) = p(r_t \vert r_y) = 0.2 $$

Yesterday sunny, today cloudy: $$ p(s_y \vert c_t) = \frac{p(c_t \vert s_y)p(s_y)}{p(c_t)} $$

In [13]:
sun_yest_cld_today = 0.2 * p_sun / p_cld

Yesterday sunny, today rainy: $$ p(s_y \vert r_t) = \frac{p(r_t \vert s_y)p(s_y)}{p(r_t)} $$

In [14]:
sun_yest_rny_today = 0 * p_sun / p_rny

Yesterday cloudy, today sunny: $$ p(c_y \vert s_t) = \frac{p(s_t \vert c_y)p(c_y)}{p(s_t)} $$

In [15]:
cld_yest_sun_today = 0.4 * p_cld / p_sun

Yesterday cloudy, today rainy: $$ p(c_y \vert r_t) = \frac{p(r_t \vert c_y)p(c_y)}{p(r_t)} $$

In [16]:
cld_yest_rny_today = 0.2 * p_cld / p_rny

Yesterday rainy, today sunny: $$ p(r_y \vert s_t) = \frac{p(s_t \vert r_y)p(r_y)}{p(s_t)} $$

In [17]:
rny_yest_sun_today = 0.2 * p_rny / p_sun

Yesterday rainy, today cloudy: $$ p(r_y \vert c_t) = \frac{p(c_t \vert r_y)p(r_y)}{p(c_t)} $$

In [18]:
rny_yest_cld_today = 0.6 * p_rny / p_cld

Final Results

Today's Weather Yesterday Sunny Yesterday Cloudy Yesterday Rainy
Sunny 0.8 0.1778 (8/45) 0.0222 (2/9)
Cloudy 0.45 0.4 0.15
Rainy 0 0.8 0.2

2-2.g: Seasons

Add seasons to model. State transition function above would apply only to Summer. Other transition functions would apply to Winter, Spring, and Fall. Would this violate the Markov property of this process?

As long as we added the current date as a state variable and formulated the trnasition function such that the season and correct transitition probabilities could be selected using the date and today's weather, the Markov property would not be violated. But if the set of state variables does not incldue the date, then the Markov property is violated.

Stacy Irwin, 8 July 2018